
Your Resumé & Future Career

Working as a camp counselor can make your future resumé stand out.

If you are looking for a summer job that looks good on your resumé, look no further, you have found it! This is a real job and it does look amazing on a resumé especially when you work at the same camp for multiple summers.

Employers are looking to hire young adults with leadership skills that include:

  • knowing how to communicate and communicating well
  • problem solving abilities
  • hands on experience
  • loyalty
  • a willingness to put in lots of effort, going above and beyond what is required of you
  • flexibility
  • collaboration
  • creativity
  • responsibility (this is huge, you are responsible for a parents most prized possession, their child)
  • resiliency
  • adaptability
  • the ability to handle emotional situations

All of these things will enable you to have a head start in your future career.