
Choosing to work as a camp counselor in the summer is one of the best choices you can make. Not only do you get to have fun, make lifelong friends, and impact others you get the opportunity to learn skill-building, leadership skills and grow as a person. Ditch the internship where you will be filling away papers or bringing people coffee and choose to work at Skyline this summer for a more impactful time. Working at Skyline in the summer will give you a close family community that pours into you during the summer and even throughout the year.

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Skyline is very intentional about how we spend time with counselors. Each counselor is placed into a small group with an admin and these small groups meet regularly during orientation and one to two times each session. This creates a small community that gets to know one another on a deeper level. Each counselor checks in individually with their small group leader every session too.

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During the summer we have two encouragers each session that are on campus for our staff. These encouragers get to know you and are there to help encourage you at all times. We have a staff meeting every day where these two encouragers will get up and pray for you or spend that time in some type of encouragement for the day. They walk around to classes ensuring that you are good and even do one-on-one check-ins with everyone, weekly.

During orientation, counselors will also have the opportunity to connect with a Skyline Hero. A Skyline hero is an alumna of camp and wants to help mentor staff, we pair you with someone of your same major or desired career path to walk alongside you if you have questions about future jobs, internships, or advice.

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We care about our staff, the full-time administrators check in with you during the off-season, visit you on campus at school and even send you fun happy’s during the year. We host a special weekend in January just for our summer staff where we pour into you and help you recharge for the next semester of school.

Working at Skyline this summer will allow you to gain leadership skills that you can take with you for years to come. Being responsible for other children, teaching young girls life skills, leading programs, being creative, and gaining independence while working here will help you succeed in the future.